Our Mission

St. Mary’s Catholic School, founded by St. Mary’s Parish in 1881, exists to pass on the faith. Our faith challenges us to live the Gospel Message, to build community, and to serve all people.
We seek to challenge our children to strive for academic excellence and to develop both their physical and social talents to their highest potential.
We are committed to religious education. This is taught as a class and is also incorporated into the total curriculum. Students are actively involved in weekly Mass and the sacraments. They are challenged to live Christ’s example and to love and respect one another, as well as all people.
We recognize that parents play the most crucial role in the formation of their children’s faith. We strive to empower the parents as the primary catechist in the lives of our students and continue the faith formation they have started at home. We encourage parental involvement in school activities and governance.
Our goal is to join in partnership with the families, the church, and our diocese to build an academic and moral foundation for our children and ultimately our children’s children.